Pohjola Route - Oulu Region
Accommodation and Travel Stats
August 2024
Oulu Region: Tourism in a nutshell
Registered accommodation. All changes are relative to the same period a year ago.
Bed nights in paid accommodation
131,000 bed nights in registered accommodation (July)
In July 2024, 131,000 bed nights were registered in Oulu Region (-0.6 %), of which 105,000 nights were spent by domestic visitors and 25,400 nights by foreigners. Domestic bed nights decreased three percent and foreign bed nights increased 13 percent. In total, bed nights in registered accommodation decreased one percent from last year's July.
Most foreign bed nights were recorded for travelers from Norway (8,400 nights).
Between January and July, 508,000 registered bed nights (-5.0 %) were recorded for domestic visitors and 109,000 (+20.2 %) for foreigners in Oulu Region, in total 617,000 (-1.4 %) registered nights.
Registered bed nights statistics include stats for registered accommodations: hotels, motels, guest houses, hostels, holiday villages and campsites. Establishments with fewer than 20 beds or caravan lots with an electrical connection point are excluded.
Bed nights in registered accommodation
Forecast of bed nights in registered accommodation
In September 2024, the number of bed nights in registered accommodation is expected to increase by 0.4 % compared to the previous year in Oulu Region.
The number of bed nights is expected to increase by 0.3 % in the next six months compared to the previous year.
The forecast is based on a time series model (SARIMA), which is supplemented with exogenous (external) explanatory variables.
Bed nights in registered accommodation by country of arrival
Length of stay increased two percent in registered accommodation (July)
Length of stay in registered accommodation increased two percent compared to earlier year. In Oulu Region, length of stay in July was on average 1.6 nights (+2.0 %) and in Finland 1.8 nights (-0.6 %).
During July, domestic visitors stayed in registered accommodation in Oulu Region on average 1.6 nights (-0.2 %) and foreigners 2.0 nights (+11.6 %).
79,500 tourists arrived to registered accommodation (July)
Arrivals to registered accommodation decreased three percent compared to earlier year. Of all registered arrivals, 84.0 percent were domestic, and 16.0 percent were from foreign countries.
Visitors by region
Visitors by city
Visitors by postal code
Visitor nights
Visitor nights by region
22,800 air travelers (Oulu)
The airport received a total of 22,800 passengers, which means air passenger arrivals increased 14 percent.
Of local passengers, 14.3 % arrived from abroad, thus the share of domestic passengers was 85.7 %.
In addition, there were 23,900 passengers departing the airport (+15.3 %), therefore the total number of trips via the airport was 46,700 (+14.7 %).
Arriving passengers (excl. transfers) (Oulu)
Arriving passengers from (Oulu)
Passengers on transfers from (Oulu)
Departing passengers to (Oulu)
Ferry arrivals from different harbors
International = International cruise ships
Accommodation sales 7.3 million euro (July)
Registered accommodation sales in July were 7.3 million euro (+116,000).
Registered January-July sales were 41.8 million euro and they increased 1.9 million euro from the previous year.
Average prices
July 2024
Amount |
Change |
jan-July 2024
Amount |
Change | |
Adr (Registered) | 114 € | 0.6 % | 119 € | 3.2 % |
Revpar (Registered) | 72 € | 6.6 % | 64 € | 3.7 % |
Bed Night (Registered) | 56 € | 2.2 % | 68 € | 6.1 % |
Total accommodation sales
Registered accommodation sales
Non-registered accommodation sales
Average daily rate (ADR) in registered accommodation
Average daily rate (ADR) in non-registered accommodation
Capacity & Utilization
Registered accommodation (July)
51 accommodation establishments (+1.0)
3,000 rooms (+26)
3,600 beds (+122)
Room utilization 63.4 % (+3.6)
Unsold rooms 1,100
Bed utilization 69.1 % (-0.2)
Room utilization for registered accommodation establishments
Utilization for non-registered accommodation establishments
Oulun Matkailu Oy - Oulu Travel Marketing Ltd. has been awarded the Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) certification by Visit Finland. No. of companies with STF label: 3. Companies in STF program: 22
Key indicators
Bed nights
Sources: Finavia, Statistics Finland, Visitory Research Team
Visit Oulu
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